Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weird dreams

#1 The Flying Snake Ladies
I went out with my big sis, and she came up with this novel idea of a flying device for me: a dried snake around my torso with a big balloon attached to it. I asked her, are you sure this is safe? She said, sure it is, can't you see that thing is dead? So we took flight and started soaring above the busy streets. The good feeling didn't last long. I felt the snake moving and I panicked and called for an emergency landing. When we got back on the ground, I found that damn thing is turning alive. I screamed at my big sis, why the f--- did you say it's dead?! It's producing blood on its own and it's coming back to life!!! And then I started sucking on the snake in a heroic effort to drink its blood dry (and keep the snake dead). The thing was pissed and bit on my cheek. My last thought was, damn, my cheek is getting numb. If I die from the venom, it's all my bib sis's fault. And man the snake blood is nasty.

#2 50 Cent and the Big Fish
So I was hanging out with 50 Cent. (Yes, THAT 50 Cent. Don't ask me why some rapper whose face I don't even recognize would do cameo in my dream.) And we were talking and walking in this Chinese garden with a tall shelter-like building that's common in Chinese architecture. And then I saw a small pond that's carved out of stone at a turn of the corridor. We went over to find a gigantic fish in the pond. It's so huge that it couldn't turn or even budge that much in the pond. And it's covered with moss that has turned the creature completely green. I said, oh my god, look at that poor soul. 50 Cent said, yeah, that's too bad. And then we turned to walk away.

Don't ask me to explain these screwed up dreams. I have no idea what they are about.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10 years from now

I went out with two ex-coworkers for a dinner date last Sunday. According to what I was told, we were to meet in a bookstore where they wanted to pick up some travel books for an upcoming trip to South America. When I got there, I got a call. It was E telling me that she's in the department store close to the bookstore and I was to meet them there. Turned out she had been stuck in there for the past hour and had picked out a few things that she liked. When I met up with her and T, her best friend, T asked me to join forces with her and stop E from buying any stuff. I didn't get the picture at first, but toward the end of the night, I finally did. It took only 3 hours for E to spend 70k on 3 things and try to get a friend of mine that I haven't seen for a year who happened to work for a boutique there to give her extra discounts. And these are just the consolation prizes she got for not buying a bag she wanted.

T and E have always been idols of mine. They are in their 40's, smart, sharp, strong, unique and accomplished. Most of all, they are not just material girls. They have depth. Which I don't. That's one of the reasons why I admire them so much. I have envied how they have found the professional love of their lives and are making (relatively) big bucks out of them. Something I'm not sure I'll be able to achieve when I hit 40. And man, they can SHOP!!! So will I be there 10 years from now, burning truckloads of money without blinking just because I can (and maybe because I'm loaded) and attempting to coerce some discount out of a friend of my friend? Hmm… tempting… but I'm not sure if these all come in a package. Can I take only the part where it involves truckloads of money?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Repetition kills brain cells

I'm not sure if it's because of the nature of my job, but I'm having less and less patience with anything repetitive (or dare I say, redundant). When you have to make a living dealing with repetitive things and being "detail-oriented" (a.k.a. obsessive compulsive), any other repetitiveness outside work is simply unbearable. Like when they play these awful whining songs on the radio. I'm not against pop songs. No, in fact I love them just like I love my junk food. But for god's sake, do you REALLY have to sing those same two words 5 times to wrap up the whole crap?! Even if you're trying to hypnotize me into buying the crap, that's just some overkill that'd drive me out of my hypnosis. And do you REALLY have to say “welcome! You can try on anything you like” every 1 min?! Honestly, I got the point the first time you said it, and I definitely don't feel any more welcome the more you say it. Yes, you are paid to say that and are just trying to do your job, but they might as well put a PA system there to do it. At least I'd know it’s a damn machine and it can't help it.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Knowing more is better… or is it?

Knowledge is power. That's why people encourage you to get more and more of it. But are we really happier? A research just found out that the blood people have been getting during surgeries probably helps little (see here). Oh what irony. All the while we thought we would be fine because of someone else's “greater love,” their love was backed up in our veins stinking our systems up and starving us of oxygen. It's sad that good intentions just aren't enough anymore these days. No wonder there's the saying “to love something is to know nothing.” Now that you know one more tidbit of info, there's just one more thing you'll have to have in handy: mobile human blood bank before going into the operation room.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

We are not a vacation destination for typhoons, thank you very much

Like one of my coworkers said, typhoons seem to love spending their weekends in Taiwan this Year. Pay up and beat it, you useless weather system.

Super typhoon Krosa

Maximum Wind: 105 (knots)
Length of Movement: 2155 (km)
Average Speed: 14.7 (km/h) | 351 (km/d)
Range of Movement: Latitude 11.0; Longitude 11.4