Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My Associate Totoro

This is such a weird thing to say, but here it is: I think I work with a Totoro. Totoro has small beady eyes, a bulging belly and a distinctive child-like state of mind. It is amazing how in the anime land, this creature makes kids and adults alike wiggle in pure excitement; in the grownup world, not so much. Totoro likes loud music and entertaining phone conversations with friends while everybody else eavesdrops (and no, you can't opt out). His most outstanding characteristic, however, is the chant-like ohhhhhhhhhhhms. From what I can tell, the tones vary depending on the music he is listening to or the thoughts he has at that very moment. Back when I heard the first ohm, I thought it came from the very core of the earth 'cause everything was pretty much shaking. Maybe this is how he connects with his inner self. Or he's communicating with a greater existence. Whatever. These funny sounds always crack me up. I just love such mysteries as a 30 something grownup Totoro.

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